Perpetual student of wine

I love to learn. I love learning about different cultures and customs. I love learning about art and history. And what I love most is learning about wine. Because when you study the different wine growing regions, you learn about all of those things—cultures, customs, art and history—all through their wine. When I first started my educational wine journey, it began with the history of the regions. Who were the first inhabitants and what was their relationship with the vine was always chapter one. Wine making dates back centuries.

It is undeniable that wine is indrenched in Italian, French, and Spanish history…just to name the big three. Wine isn’t just an industry. It is a serious custom. Generations of wine makers pour their hearts and souls into their craft and in turn, it is their expression of art. Wine making is a beautiful, arduous process. It is a process that brings families and communities together. It is passed on from generation to generation. Each one upholding custom, but yet excited to impart their own personalities.

Not only do I enjoy tasting wine, but the stories behind the wine makers intrigue and inspire me. When I learned about the first black family owned and women-led winery in Napa Valley, Brown Estate, I enjoyed their wine even more. The story behind the label brings you into the ethos. It helps you understand the why and how and somehow connects you even more to the flavors, nuances and subtle characteristics of the wine. You begin to understand.

Sure, wine is delicious. It a celebratory beverage. It can elevate a meal. But don’t forget, wine is a gateway to so much more. It is an opportunity to learn about what went into that bottle. Not just the grape, but it is a chronicle of the wine maker. It is an archive of the land and its predecessors. It is because of this, I will forever be its perpetual student.


Wine: the timeless elixir that unites us all
